John Held, Jr (mailartist)

John Held Jr.

John Held, Jr

John Held, Jr (born 1947) born in New York, USA, is an American mailartist, author and performance artist who has been an active participant in alternative art since 1975, particularly in the fields of rubber stamp art, zine culture, and artistamps. He is one of the most prominent and respected promoters and chroniclers of mail art.

Vittore Baroni has written of him, "He has been called the James Boswell of mail art and indeed, like the renowned collaborator of writer Samuel Johnson, John Held Jr is the best biographer (and bibliographer) that postal art has ever known or might ever have desired."[1]



Held has 'done mail art' and maintained a worldwide circle of contacts since 1976. He has contributed to innumerable projects and shows spanning more than three decades. His mail artwork utilizes rubber stamps, artistamps, collage and copy art techniques, and he is also a noted performance artist. He has traveled extensively to realize individual and collaborative art actions, and his many performance pieces include Shadow Project at Hiroshima and Kyoto, Japan (1986), and Rrose Mutt at the Time of Change Festival in Minden, Germany (2000).

He is based in San Francisco, USA, where he directs the Modern Realism Gallery and Archive. Mail Art Hallway He has curated mail art shows and solo exhibitions throughout the world, most notably Stampworks, the first exhibition at the Stempelplaats Gallery, Amsterdam (1976), Artistamps in Tartu, Soviet Union (1989), Mail Art at the Palace of Fine Arts, Havana, Cuba (1995), Bay Area Dada at Printed Matter in New York City (1999), Peace Island at Jeju Island, South Korea (2001), American Artistamps at the Stendhal Gallery, New York City (2010) American Artistamps, and BMC to DIY, a Celebration of Black Mountain College Artists at Asheville, North Carolina, USA (2010).

He was curator at the Stamp Art Gallery in San Francisco from 1995–1998, and produced numerous catalogs and multiples relating to the twentieth century avant-garde in collaboration with director Picasso Gaglione. These years at the Stamp Art Gallery were the subject of the Stendhal Gallery, New York City exhibition , Greetings from Daddaland: Fluxus, Mail Art and Rubber Stamps (2010). Greetings from Daddaland


He has written several influential books about mail art including Mail Art: An Annotated Bibliography [2] and Rubber Stamp Art,[3] and has contributed to many of the seminal works about mail art and networking published in recent decades, including At a Distance: Precursors to Art and Activism on the Internet,[4] Chuck Welch's Eternal Network, A Mail Art Anthology,[5] and H.R. Fricker's I am a Networker (Sometimes).[6]

He has also authored many magazine articles and catalog essays for mail art and artistamp exhibitions, and has played a significant role in the encouragement and reception of mail art and alternative artistic genres within leading cultural institutions and publications throughout the world. Facets of his collection have been placed at the Getty Research Library (Los Angeles) and the Museum of Modern Art (New York) MoMA Archive, and his papers are in The Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution (Washington DC).


Held researches, collects and institutionalizes relics and documents of the later twentieth century avant-garde, and worked for 25 years as an art librarian in New York State, Maryland and Dallas, Texas.

In 1977, he conducted an interview with Ray Johnson, the 'Father of Mail Art' Ray Johnson Interview, and has also interviewed the other Fluxus related artists, John Cage (1993), and Allan Kaprow (1994).

He has lectured about mail art and avant-garde publications at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, UK (1993), and at the National Academy of Fine Arts, Prague, Czech Republic (1994). His lecture at the State Center of Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia (2003) accompanied his exhibition of Russian Futurist inspired works at the Mayakovsky State Museum.


  1. ^ Arte Postale- Guida al network della corrispondenza creativa, Vittore Baroni (AAA Edizioni, Bertiolo, 1997)
  2. ^ Mail Art: An Annotated Bibliography, John Held Jr, (Scarecrow Press, London, 1991)
  3. ^ Rubber Stamp Art, John Held Jr, (AAA Edizioni, Italy, 1999)
  4. ^ At a Distance: Precursors to Art and Activism on the Internet (MIT Press, 2005)
  5. ^ Eternal Network, A Mail Art Anthology, Chuck Welch (University of Calgary Press, 1995)
  6. ^ I am a Networker (Sometimes), H.R. Fricker (Verlag Vexer, 1989)

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